Routine Maintenance
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Northern Utility Services has invested in enterprise level maintenance management software to ensure that preventative maintenance is completed regularly and on time. Not only do our systems ensure all equipment is running smoothly and with minimal down time, they allow tracking of previous repairs and maintenance on individual pieces of equipment. Maintenance histories can be tracked asset by asset, ensuring key historical information about your system does not reside with one person.

Fire Hydrant Maintenance & Winterization

Northern Utility Services provides full fire hydrant maintenance, testing, winterization, repair, and snow removal for over 100 fire hydrants throughout Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley. We have experience with most common makes and models and have invested in the tools necessary to renew seals and all wearable parts.
Distribution Main Flushing
Over years of service, distribution mains can gradually fill with biofilms, fine sediments and minerals commonly found in drinking water systems. While not typically harmful, these contaminants can dramatically reduce water quality and customer satisfaction. Northern Utility Services has wide ranging experience with multiple methods of distribution main flushing and pigging, and has invested in a wide variety of equipment necessary to flush your system efficiently and safely.
Storage Tank Cleaning
Storage tanks, both pressurized and atmospheric, are high value investments that are key to the effective operation of most water utilities. If well maintained, these assets should last indefinitely, with a cost of ownership well below amortized replacement cost. However, these assets are often neglected until deterioration is beyond reasonable repair. Northern Utility Services recommends inspection and cleaning of tanks on a 5 year basis to ensure protective coatings are maintained and to control sediment build-up. Northern Utility Services has also invested in equipment and training to provide sanitary and OSHA compliant water storage tank inspections and repairs including inspections while the tank is in service.

Aquifer Testing
Wells are the primary source of water for most Alaskan community water systems, and while groundwater supplies have remained stable for many years, increased development and recent seasons of low precipitation are beginning to affect the aquifers. Therefore, Northern Utility Services has invested in a high definition well level logging device designed specifically for the purpose of monitoring aquifer health. Aquifers are typically at their lowest during late winter, so aquifer tests are best performed at that time.